
Video Games

Anonymous User #2463421

> When i was younger i played this edutainment game that featured this mascot with shapes for a face. He always made me cry when i saw him as a kid and i still have nightmares about him xD I remember i was doing the matching card game section and i kept messing up. The mascot kept berating me and i got so stressed out i tried to turn off my PC but it wouldn't shut off. The mascot disappeared and it was just an empty void with some checkered flooring, cards laying everywhere. No matter what i did the PC wouldn't turn off. I think it took me like 30 minutes to muster the courage to finish the puzzle, and then i could finally close the game. it took me like a week until i launched the game again. it wouldnt open so i kept clicking and then a bunch of windows opened up and the mascot had weird red liquid dripping down his face and i never turned on my pc again. Does anyone know what i'm talking about? I really want to revisit this game.

> Why didn't you just leave to room? lol

> nice creepypasta moron. really? even the bleeding face?

> I can't find any game that relates to this, this incident certainly sounds dubious too.

> its been like 4 months since this post came out and it didn't really gain any traction. however i do want to say i think about this post so much and it makes me laugh. like out of all the hoaxes on here this is my favorite and i don't know why. good job OP.

> guys it isnt a fucking hoax I found it. i literally had to make an account to post this, it's called "Eddurtainment" i know this is the right one because it has that creepy ass mascot ed it's from a dead company that merged with the bigger fishes in the early years of the internet. I remember playing this as a kid just like the rest of you I'm sure. I'm in the process of decomposing the games files and codes, who knew a game that taught internet safety would be so damn secure? Lol the first thing I'm gonna archive is that damn sample song in the music program. I'm not a musician but I remember spending so many hours playing around with all the instruments they gave you, and that sample song always sounded like the future to me lol. it should be archived soon, my upload speed is trash

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> holy fuck OP you're not kidding around this is real.

> we did it gentlemen

> makes an account, solves month long mystery with first post. You are a fucking legend anon

> Send me the game files op

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